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Remembering what its about.

 “The magic is in the movement, the art is in the programming, the science is in the explanation, and the fun is in the community.” - Coach and Founder of CrossFit, Greg Glassman

The fun is in the community. Today, I had the opportunity to drop in on one of Northeast Ohio's CrossFit affiliates, Coca CrossFit.  A few months back, I went on an affiliate friending spree just to see the different approaches of different area affiliates. 

You know that moment when you fall in love with somebody or something? I can't really put better words to it, but for me, I can best relate it to Depeche Mode's "Home". I think it was January 12th of last year that I walked in the doors at CrossFit Cleveland and had that feeling.  It wasn't long thereafter that I went and obtained my Level 1 Certification, and vowed to learn EVERYTHING I possibly could about this "sport" (for lack of a better word that I loved).

Today, I had the opportunity to do a workout at Coca and observe Kate 'Killer' Rawlings "do her thang". Kate and her community WELCOMED me with open arms, as ours did when I first joined.  That experience reminded me of the importance of welcoming members and making them feel like a part of our community. To get to experience that feeling again was awesome.

It is good to get out the door and observe every once in awhile.  As humans, we all remember different things for a variety of different reasons.  The problem in training is: what you remember, and store, might not work for all of your athletes.  Not only is it good to "switch up" your cues every once in awhile, it is valuable to see what works for others.  I had the opportunity to see what works for Kate tonight.  It was different than what I, or, for that matter any of the trainers at my box might have used.  Better? Not necessarily. Did it accomplish the same thing, correcting the movement? Absolutely. Anyways, I'm smoked from today, so signing off! 

Thanks to Kate, her athletes and her team at Coca CrossFit for the opportunity to drop in. I'll be back! 


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