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Showing posts from April, 2014

A toast.

So there's a gentleman in my life that I admire very much, I've never had the balls to directly tell him, but this is my way of doing so.  I became acquainted with this gentleman about a year and a half ago. In that time, he, and many of his acquaintances have changed my life.   I'm relatively certain that I annoy him, and with good reason.  I think that he sees the potential within me and realizes that often times, I sell myself short.  Under the guise of self preservation, I excuse myself for many things and he, being many years my senior, and likely out of experience, sees right through this tactic.  This past week, I took a vacation from work, and I did some things I needed to do.  I rested, I relaxed.  I meditated, and contemplated where to go at this crossroads in my life.  I normally hesitate to take action, but this time, I did.  It felt good, and it felt empowering.   This new sense of direction gave me some power.  Power to do what I needed to do.  No


So, today. I had the opportunity to visit with the folks at CrossFit Bingo.  I can't speak enough kindnesses about Darrell, Cory, Randy and the whole crew at CrossFit Bingo.  Their new facility is absolutely gorgeous.   Visiting another box has this unique way of introducing humility.  You are with a ton of athletes of varying talents, and regardless of what your abilities actually are, often, ego overtakes.  When I travel to these various boxes, I want to represent my gym well, and sometimes, in my mind, that translates to being able to lift something heavier than what I actually can.   After yesterdays workout at my own box, CrossFit Cleveland - West, I woke up this morning sore.  Double Unders are a particular weakness for me and are very challenging, and were a huge part of yesterdays workout.   Having traveled to CrossFit Bingo, when I saw 'OHS' on the board, I felt an impending sense of doom. The walls closed in.  Because of a previous untreated injury