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So, today. I had the opportunity to visit with the folks at CrossFit Bingo. 

I can't speak enough kindnesses about Darrell, Cory, Randy and the whole crew at CrossFit Bingo.  Their new facility is absolutely gorgeous.  

Visiting another box has this unique way of introducing humility.  You are with a ton of athletes of varying talents, and regardless of what your abilities actually are, often, ego overtakes.  When I travel to these various boxes, I want to represent my gym well, and sometimes, in my mind, that translates to being able to lift something heavier than what I actually can.  

After yesterdays workout at my own box, CrossFit Cleveland - West, I woke up this morning sore.  Double Unders are a particular weakness for me and are very challenging, and were a huge part of yesterdays workout.  

Having traveled to CrossFit Bingo, when I saw 'OHS' on the board, I felt an impending sense of doom. The walls closed in.  Because of a previous untreated injury to my right rotator cuff and the limited mobility of my shoulders as a result, i have a great deal of difficulty with the overhead position.  I started off with 75 pounds, a weight which, a few weeks ago, while definitely challenging didn't present difficulty in an overhead position.  Within minutes, I realized this simply was outside of the realm of possibility, and dropped to 55. By the end of it, I was down to 35 pounds, which was "easy", comparatively.  While this might be indicative of a personal weakness, I think the more important lesson is self awareness.  I can only speak for myself when I say that I sometimes so badly want to achieve something that any self awareness goes out the window.  

The beautiful thing about CrossFit is, it is universally scalable.  I was reminded of the mechanics, consistency, intensity charter tonight, and while something that I'd apply to any athlete in my position, I often fail to apply to myself.  

Getting to the point, I want to be a better athlete, and I want to be a good coach.  I just have to keep trying.  

My wife said something to me yesterday that inspired me a great deal.  Amanda said that no matter what the workout, I always look enthusiastic (specifically referencing yesterdays workout of double unders).  I'm glad for that, because in reality, I am enthusiastic. I view each WOD as a stepping stone, a chance to get better than the last.  But I wish it actually translated better in to action.  There's a number of outside factors that influence that, but fuck it, I'll keep trying. 

While todays lesson left me feeling broken and bruised, I would be a liar if I said I didn't appreciate it.  CrossFit Bingo and company are definitely worth a visit.  Darrell "Bingo" White, Randy White, Cory and the community they have fostered were great, and it was such an awesome opportunity to learn from them and I hope that I'd have the opportunity to continue to learn from this clan again.  

“What should young people do with their lives today? Many things, obviously. But the most daring thing is to create stable communities in which the terrible disease of loneliness can be cured.” 
-Kurt Vonnegut


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