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Wave goodbye, wish me well.

"Wave goodbye
Wish me well
I've become something else
Something else
Something else
Just as well"
-Nine Inch Nails, Everything

It has been some time since I could describe myself as content.

For the past several years, I've been working for a law firm that focuses on creditor rights (a fancy word for collections).  About the time that I started working there, the financial market collapsed, and a number of major financial institutions were placed under heavy scrutiny by various federal regulators.  Regulation is usually a wax and wane matter, but there's a broad and significant agreement inside and outside of the industry that this change has a significant permanence about it.

All the while that this was going on, the law firm I worked for has rolled with the punches, and while that certainly doesn't mean that we're not operating in an environment that looks significantly different than when I began there, it does mean that the affect of this changing industry was actually of more benefit to me than detriment; not something that many within our industry can say.  In my time there, I have advanced from a clerical position with few responsibilities to a position which is critical to the success of our firm, and derived many of the benefits that came with that advancement.  This job allowed me to purchase my first home, finance my first car and many other things that are part of the "American Dream" as we know it.

Within the past two or so years, however, things have changed significantly.  A number of key employees have been laid off or terminated their employment with the firm due to better opportunities, the compensation structures have been reviewed and revised.  Throughout the course of these changes, the undercurrent of the business has changed from a positive one, to one of uncertainty, or even negativity.  And increasingly, as this has happened, I have found myself becoming significantly unhappy.  I've actively been looking for different employment which would be suitable given my circumstances over the past two years or so.  I have been comfortable enough that I could turn down offers, and I have.  The past few weeks have brought some announcements that make it clear that it is time to get serious.  To stop my passive bitching about the situation and do something about it. To become something else, it's just as well.


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